Saturday, March 14, 2009

Art on hands

I got those pictures from a forwarded email. Apparently some talented artist does this art on hands and then he takes their pictures for posterity...It really is amazing...I think it is even harder than drawing on paper..a lot of patience is required to make sure the intricate details on the skin come out properly...also for whoever is holding their hands like that. There is so much talent out there!

Unfortunately the email did not have the artist's name, which makes it easy to say that the photos are one of "photo shop's" wonders! :p I think I'd like to believe otherwise for now :)


Brian said...
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Brian said...

I'm not sure you'll be able to access that site, it's the webpage of the artist who makes these. They're very real, and the ones you've posted are just a fraction of the work that he's done. Very very creative stuff.